Python Programming

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This course will cover the fundamentals of the Python language and

how one can apply these fundamentals in the real world applications.

The curriculum cover data operations in Python, strings, conditional statements, error handling,

shell scripting, web scraping and the commonly used Python web framework: Django


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Course Curriculum


There is no eligibility for joining this course. Anyone can join this course who loves to do work on Data.

Any BTech, BCA MCA Bsc student who is looking to built his/her career in the field of Data or wants to start building the career in Data Science can definitely go for this course.

CH-01 : Python Basics

·         Introduction

·         Software Installations and Setup

·         Assisted Practice: Install Python IDLE

·         First Python Script

·         Data Types

·         Input /Output Functions

·         Assisted Practice: Basics of Python

CH-02: Data Operators

·         Data Type Conversion

·         Data Operations

·         Assisted Practice: Data Operations

·         String Methods

·         Assisted Practice: String Operations

·         List Methods

·         Assisted Practice: List Operations

·         Tuple Methods

·         Assisted Practice: Tuple Operations

·         Sets

·         Dictionaries

·         Assisted Practice: Dictionary Operations

CH-03 Statements & Functions

·         Expressions

·         Conditional Statements

·         Assisted Practice: If else

·         Loops

·         Assisted Practice: For Loop Iterations

·         Assisted Practice: while Loop Iterations

·         Functions

·         Assisted Practice: Functions


CH-04 File Operations & Error handling

·         File Handling

·         Assisted Practice: File Handling

·         Errors and Exceptions

·         Assisted Practice: Errors and exceptions

·         Debugging in Python

·         Assisted Practice: Logging

·         pdb Module

·         Assisted Practice: pdb Print Command

·         Assisted Practice: next and step Commands

·         Assisted Practice: Breakpoints

·         Assisted Practice: unt Command

·         Assisted Practice: display Command

·         Assisted Practice: w Command

·         Object-Oriented Programming

·         Assisted Practice: Classes and Objects

CH 05: Scripting & Django

·         Shell Scripting

·         Shell Scripting with Python

·         Assisted Practice: Shell Scripting in Python

·         Web Scraping

·         Django

·         Assisted Practice: Web scraping



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