JAVA Language
Java is the programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in
- Java is free to download. Java is a MUST for students and working professionals to become
a great Software Engineer specially when they are working in Software Development Domain.
Here in Billion Brainz, we have curated the JAVA course as per the needs and requirements of the growing companies. We cater to the needs of the industry by providing best in class JAVA training to Students, B. Tech Freshers, Working professionals who wants to upgrade to the latest skillset and corporates.
Students in their schools who wants to make a difference by understanding and learning the software language or B. Tech Freshers can go through our course. Working professionals and corporates who wants to grow their workforce and increase the skilled resources can also enrol for this course.
- Introduction to Java
- Java language Basics
- Creating First Java Program
- OOPS Concept
- Packages
- Nested Types
- Arrays
- Exception Handling
- Wrapper Classes
- Exception Handling
- Strings in JAVA
- Swing Concept
- Multi Threading
- I/O Streams
- Socket Programming
- Reflection
- Collections in JAVA
- API Understanding – Date & Time and JODA API
- Introduction to SQL Programming using JDBC
- Introduction to JEE (Java Platform Enterprise Edition)
- Java Servlets
- JAVA Server Packages
- Project Classes
- Springs
- Bean writing
- Introduction to MVC
- Building Web Service
- Introduction to Hibernation.