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CH 01 -Getting started with the iphone sdk

·         Anatomy of an Application

·         Underneath Xcode

·         Installing the iPhone SDK

·         What You’ll Need

·         The iPhone Simulator

·         Downloading and Installing the iPhone SDK

·         Provisioning an iPhone

·         Building and Installing Applications

·         Model-View-Controller

·         Application Templates

·         Xcode Project Layout

·         Prototypes

·         Adding Frameworks

·         Setting the Active SDK

·         Building an Application

·         Installing an Application

·         Transitioning to Objective-C

·         Messaging

·         Class and Method Declarations

·         Implementation

·         Properties

·         Protocols

·         Categories

·         Posing

·         Additional Resources

CH 02 -Interface builder: xcode’s gui for guis

·         Windows, Views, and View Controllers

·         Existing Templates

·         New Templates

·         User Interface Elements

·         Controllers

·         Data Views

·         Inputs and Values

·         Windows, Views, and Bars

·         The Inspector

·         Designing a UI

·         The Window

·         The View Controller

·         Views

·         Connecting the Views

·         Adding Linkage to Code

·         Removing Interface Builder from a Project

CH 03 -Introduction to ui kit

·         Basic User Interface Elements

·         Windows and Views

·         Creating a Window and View

·         Displaying the View

·         HelloView: Most Useless Application Ever

·         Deriving from UIView

·         HelloWorld: The Traditionally Useless Application

·         View Controllers

·         Creating a View Controller

·         Loading from Interface Builder

·         Orientation Changes

·         Disposing of a View Controller

·         ControllerDemo: Hello World, View Controller Style

·         Further Study

·         Text Views

·         Creating a Text View

·         Assigning Content

·         Displaying HTML

·         Source Reader: Web Page Source Code Reader

·         Further Study

·         Navigation Bars and Controllers

·         Creating a Navigation Controller

·         Navigation Controller Properties

·         Adding a Segmented Control

·         Adding a Toolbar

·         Page Demo: Page Navigation Exercise

·         Further Study

·         Transition Animations

·         Creating a Transition

·         Attaching a Transition

·         FlipDemo: Page-Flipping Transitions

·         Further Study

·         Action Sheets and Alerts

·         Alerts

·         Action Sheets

·         Dismissing an Action Sheet

·         End World: Ending the World (with Confirmation)

·         Further Study

·         Table Views and Controllers

·         Creating the Table

·         Table Cells

·         Implementing Multiple Select

·         Editing and Swipe-to-Delete

·         Reloading Tables

·         TableDemo: Simple File Browser

·         Further Study

·         Status Bar Manipulation

·         Hiding the Status Bar

·         Status Bar Style

·         Status Bar Orientation

·         Application Badges

·         Displaying an Application Badge

·         Removing an Application Badge

·         Further Study

·         Application Services

·         Suspending and Resuming

·         Program Termination

·         Invoking Safari

·         Initiating Phone Calls

CH 04 -Multi-touch events and geometry

·         Introduction to Geometric Structures

·         CGPoint

·         CGSize

·         CGRect

·         Multi-Touch Events Handling

·         UITouch Notifications

·         UIEvent

·         Events Handling

·         Example: Tap Counter

·         Example: Tap and Drag

·         Processing Multi-Touch

·         PinchMe: Pinch Tracking

·         TouchDemo: Multi-Touch Icon Tracking

·         Further Study

CH 05 -Layer programming with quartz core

·         Understanding Layers

·         Layer Hierarchies

·         Size and Offset

·         Arrangement and Display

·         Rendering

·         Transformations

·         Layer Animations

·         Layer Transformations

·         BounceDemo: Layer Fun

·         Further Study

CH 06 -Making a racket: audio toolbox and avfoundation

·         AVFoundation Framework

·         The Audio Player

·         Player Properties

·         Playing Sounds

·         Delegate Methods

·         Metering

·         AVMeter: Build a VU Meter

·         Further Study

·         Audio Services

·         Audio Queues

·         Audio Queue Structure

·         Provisioning Audio Output

·         Sound Buffers

·         Callback Function

·         Volume Control

·         Example: PCM Player

·         Further Study

·         Recording Sound

·         Audio Queue Structure

·         Provisioning Audio Input

·         Sound Buffers

·         Callback Function

·         Accessing Raw Data

·         Writing to a File

·         Example: Sound Recorder

·         Further Study

·         Vibrating


CH 07 -Network programming with cfnetwork

·         Basic Sockets Programming

·         Socket Types

·         CFSocket

·         CFSocketContext

·         Socket Streams

·         CFSocket Example: Joke Server

·         Further Study

·         CFHTTP and CFFTP

·         CFHTTP

·         CFFTP

·         Further Study

CH 08 -Getting a fix: core location

·         The Core Location Manager

·         Query Parameters

·         Issuing a Query

·         Receiving Updates

·         Completing a Query

·         Error Handling

·         WhereYouAt: Redneck Core Location

·         Further Study

CH 09 -Address book frameworks

·         Address Book Access

·         Top-Level Address Book Functions

·         Querying the Address Book

·         Creating Records

·         Working with Records

·         Multivalue Properties

·         Working with Dictionaries

·         Image Data

·         Further Study

·         Address Book UI

·         Person Views

·         People Pickers

·         Further Study

CH 10 -Advanced ui kit design

·         Common Controls

·         The UIControl Base Class

·         Segmented Controls

·         Switches

·         Sliders

·         Text Field Controls

·         Buttons

·         Page Controls

·         Further Study

·         Preferences Tables

·         Creating a Preferences Table

·         Displaying the Preferences Table

·         ShootStuffUp: Preferences Table Example

·         Further Study

·         Section Lists

·         Creating the Section List

·         Adding an Index Bar

·         Displaying the Section List

·         TableDemo: A Better File Browser

·         Further Study

·         Progress and Activity Indicators

·         UIActivityIndicatorView: Things That Spin

·         UIProgressView: When Spinny Things Are Tacky

·         Network Activity Indicators

·         Further Study

·         Images

·         The Image Object

·         ImageFun: Fun with Images and Patterns

·         UIImageView: An Image with a View

·         Image Pickers

·         Keyboard Properties

·         Keyboard Style

·         Keyboard Appearance

·         Return Key

·         Autocapitalization

·         Autocorrection

·         Secure Text Entry

·         Pickers

·         Creating a Picker

·         Displaying the Picker

·         Reading the Picker

·         NosePicker: Picking Your Nose

·         Further Study

·         Date/Time Pickers

·         Creating the Date/Time Picker

·         Displaying the Date Picker

·         Reading the Date

·         DatePicker: Independence Day Picker

·         Further Study

·         Tab Bars

·         Tab Bar Controllers

·         Building a Tab Bar Controller

·         Customizable Buttons

·         Navigation

·         Delegate Actions

·         TabDemo: Another Textbook Approach

·         Further Study

·         Sensors and Device Information

·         Reading the Orientation

·         Reading Device Information

·         Reading the Accelerometer

·         Proximity Sensor

·         Further Study

·         Scroll Views

·         Creating the Scroll View

·         Properties

·         Delegate Methods

·         BigImage: Scrolling a Weather Map

·         Further Study

·         Web Views

·         Creating the Web View

·         Displaying the Web View

·         Loading Content

·         Navigation

·         Delegate Methods

·         WebDemo: Google Search Utility

·         Further Study

CH 10 -Application settings

·         Dictionaries and Property Lists

·         Creating a Dictionary

·         Managing Keys

·         Writing Property Lists

·         Reading Property Lists

·         Further Study

·         Preference Bundles

·         Adding Keys

·         Reading Preference Bundle Values

·         Further Study

CH 11 -Cover flow

·         CovertFlow: SDK Cover Flow Programming

·         Further Study

CH 12 -Page flicking

·         PageControl: Page Flicking Example

·         Further Study

·         A PageScrollView for Many Views

CH 13 -Media player framework

·         Movie Player Controllers

·         Properties

·         Starting and Stopping the Movie

·         Notifications

·         Further Study


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