C Programming

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CH 01 -Overview of c

·         C History and Standardization

·         Importance of C

·         Preprocessor and Header Files

·         Programming Style

·         Basic Structure of C Program

CH 02 -Constants, variables & data types

·         Character Set, C Tokens

·         Keywords & Identifiers

·         Data types in C

·         Constants

·         Variable names

·         Overflow & Underflow of Data

CH 03 -Operators & expressions

·         Arithmetic operators

·         Relational Operators

·         Logical operators

·         Increment and decrement operators

·          Bitwise Operators

·         Assignment operators

·         Conditional Operators

·         Special Operators

·         Operator Precedence

·         Operator Associativity

CH 04 -Control structures: branching

·         Decision making with ‘if statement’

·         If….else statement

·         Nested if …..else statement

·         Else ….if ladder

·         Switch statement

·         Goto statement

·         The?: Operator

CH 05 -Control structures: looping

·         The While statement

·         Do statement

·         For statement

·         Jumps in Loop

CH 06 -Arrays & strings

·         Declaration of an Array

·         Initialization of Arrays

·         Types of Arrays

·         1D, 2D, Multi D

·         Compile Time Arrays and Runtime Arrays

·         Limitations of an Array

·         Declaration of Strings

·         Initialization of Strings

·         Operations performed on String

·         String Handling Functions

·         2-D Strings


CH 07 -Handling pointers

·         Understanding basics of Pointers

·         Rules for Pointers

·         Pointer Declaration

·         Accessing a Variable through its Pointer

·         Pointers and Arrays

CH 08 -Functions

·         Why Functions

·         Types of Functions

·         A Multi Functional Program

·         Return Values & their types

·         Call By Value and Call By Reference

·         Arguments & Return Types

·         Nesting of Functions

·         Recursion

CH 09 -Scope / Visibility Of Variables

·         Auto Storage Class

·         Register Storage Class

·         Static Storage Class

·         Extern Storage Class

CH 10 -Structures & unions

·         Defining a Structure

·         Why a Structure is used?

·         Structure Initialization

·         Arrays With in Structures

·         Arrays Of Structures

·         Structures within Structures

·         Passing structures to Functions

·         Unions & its properties

·         Access Union Member

CH 11 -Pointers

·         Pointers and Addresses

·         Initialization Of Pointers

·         Pointer to Pointer

·         Pointer Expressions

·         Pointer Increments and Scale factors Pointers and Arrays

·         Pointers and Strings

·         Arrays of Pointers in Strings

·         Pointers as Function Arguments

·         Function returning Pointers

·         Null Pointers in C

CH 12 -Dynamic memory allocation

·         malloc

·         calloc

·         realloc

·         free

CH 13 -File handling in c

·         What is a File?

·         File Structure

·         Defining & Opening a File

·         Input/Output Operations on Files

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