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CH 01 - Introduction

·         Introduction to Android

·         Brief history of Android

·         What is Android?

·         Why is Android important?

·         What benefits does Android have?

·         What is OHA?

·         Why to choose Android?

·         Software architecture of Android

·         Advantages of Android

·         Android features Android market

·         Comparing Android with other platform

·         Terms and acronyms

CH 02 -Installation and Configuration of Android

·         Details about the software requirement

·         Download and installation process of Android SDK

·         How to select Android version?

·         Step to create new project?

·         Running your application

·         Creation of new AVD

·         Android studio

CH 03 -Getting Started

·         How to select Android version?

·         Step to create new project

·         Running Your Application

·         Creation of New AVD

·         Creating run configuration

·         Creating your first Android activity

·         List of basic sample programs

CH 04 -Introductions to Application Components Activities

·         Services

·         Broadcast receivers

·         Content providers Intents

·         Notifications

·         Activating and shutting down components

·         Brief idea about manifest file

·         Brief idea about activities and Task

CH 05 -Android Component Life Cycle

·         Activity Life Cycle with sample program

·         Service Life Cycle with sample program

CH 06 -Android Layouts

·         What are views, Layouts and there classification?

·         How Android Draws views and Layout Classification?

·         Table Layout ln detail with Example

·         Tab Layout ln detail with Example

·         Frame Layout ln detail with Example

·         Linear Layout in detail with Example

CH 07 -Android Views

·         Grid View In detail With Example

·         Map View In detail with Example

·         Cont. Sub Topical Views

·         Web View In detail with Example

·         Spinner In detail with Example

·         Gallery In detail with Example

·         Google Map View In detail with Example

·         Introduction to creating activity user with views

·         Different ways of creating views Using xml

CH 08 -Styles and Themes

·         Providing resources

·         Different resource file location

·         Providing alternative resources

·         Android finds the best matching resource

·         Accessing resources

·         Accessing platform resources

·         Handling runtime changes

·         Introduction to Jquery

·         JQuery work in Android

CH 09 -What are Fragments?

·         Multipane & Singlepane

·         Fragment Life Cycle

·         Addition of Fragments

·         Fragments Working without U

CH 10 -Introduction to Menus

·         How to create menus?

·         Types of Android Application Menus

·         Option Menu

·         Expanded - In detail with Example

·         Context Menu ln detail with example

·         Sub Menu-In detail with example

CH 11 -Introduction to Drawers

·         Navigation Drawer

·         Simple Side Drawer

·         Tab Drawer

·         Extra Drawer

CH 12 -Handling User Interaction Events

·         Handling user events

·         Different types of event listener

·         OnClickO

·         OnLongClickO

·         OnFocusChangeO

·         OnKeyO OnTouchO

·         OnCreateContextMenuO

·         Different types of event handler

·         OnKeyDown (int, KeyEvent)

·         OnKeyUp (int, KeyEvent)

·         OnTrackballEvent (MotionEvent)

·         OnTouchEvent (MotionEvent)

·         OnFocusChanged (boolean,int,Rect)

CH 13 -Creating Dialogs

·         Introduction to dialogs

·         Showing and dismissing of dialog boxes

·         Alert dialog In detail with example

·         Progress dialog In detail with example

·         Threading and handler

·         Creating running applications-Events

·         Creating running applications-Dialogs

CH 14 -Notifications

·         Notifying Users

·         Status bar Notification

·         Toast Notification

·         Dialog Notification

CH 15 -Intents, Broadcast Receivers, Adapters and Internet

·         Different types of intent?

·         Launching sub-activities

·         What is intent filter

·         Intent objects---In detail with example

·         Using intents to take pictures

·         Handling sub activity results

CH 16 -Data Storage

·         Android techniques for data storage

·         Creating and saving shared preferences

·         Retrieving shared preferences

·         Storing in files

·         Loading from files.

·         Storing in databases.

CH 17 -Working with SQL Lite

·         Introducing SQLite database.

·         Working with Android databases.

·         Using SQLite OpenHelper.

·         Cursors and content values.

·         Opening and closing Database

CH 18 -Working in Background

·         Introducing services

·         Creating and controlling services

·         Registering a service in the manifest

·         Starting, controlling, and interacting with a service

CH 19 -Using the Camera, Taking Pictures and the Media API

·         Controlling the camera and taking pictures

·         Playing audio and video

·         Introducing the media player

·         Preparing audio for playback

·         Packaging audio as an application resource

·         Initializing audio content for playback

·         Preparing for video playback

·         Playing video using the video view

·         Setting up a surface for video playback

·         Initializing video content for playback

·         Supported video formats

·         Controlling playback

·         Managing media playback output

·         Multimedia supported audio formats

·         Recording audio and video

·         Using Intents to Record Video

·         Configuring and Controlling Video Recording

·         Previewing Video Recording

·         Reading and Writing JPEG EXIF Image Details

·         Adding new media to media storage Using the Media Scanner

·         Inserting Media into the Media Store Raw video manipulation

·         Recording Sound with Audio Record

·         Playing Sound with Audio Track Speech recognition

·         Creating and Running and Testing


CH 20 -Maps, GEO coding and Location Based Services

·         Using Location Based Services

·         Working with the location manager

·         Configuring the Emulator to Test Location Based Services

CH 21 -About ADB (Android Debug Bridge)

·         DDMS: Dalvik debug monitor Service

·         Trace View

CH 22 -Data Security and Permission

·         Security Architecture

·         User Ids and File Access

·         Using Permissions

·         Declaring and Enforcing Permissions

CH 23 -Drawing 2D and 3D Graphics

·         Rolling your own Widgets

·         Drawables

·         Bitmaps

·         Paint

CH 24 -Using Bluetooth and Managing and Monitoring Wi-Fi

·         Accessing the Local Bluetooth Device Adapter

·         Managing Bluetooth Properties and State

·         Managing Device Discoverability

·         Discovering Remote Devices

·         Monitoring Active Connection Details

·         Scanning for Hotspots

·         Managing Wi-Fi Configurations

·         Creating Wi-Fi Network Configurations

·         Device Vibration

·         Controlling device vibration

CH 25 -Introduction SMS and MMS

·         Using SMS and MMS in Your Application

·         Sending SMS and MMS from your Application

·         Using Intents and the Native Client Sending SMS Messages Manually Tracking and Conforming

·         SMS Message Delivery

·         Conforming to the Maximum SMS

·         Message Size Sending DAT Messages

CH 26 -Content Providers

·         What is content provider

·         How to access build in Content provider

·         Retrieving build - in Content provider data

CH 27 -Android Telephony

·         Launching the Dialer to Initiate Phone Calls Replacing the Native Dialer

·         Accessing phone and Network Properties & Status

·         Reading Phone Device Details

·         Reading Data Connection and Transfer State Reading Network Details

CH 28 -Sensor Device

·         Using sensors and the sensor manager

·         Introducing Sensors

·         Supported Android Sensers

·         Finding Sensors

·         Using Sensors

·         Interpreting the sensor values

·         Using the compass , accelerometer and orientation sensors

·         Introducing Accelerometers Detecting Acceleration Changes Creating a G-Forceometer

CH 29 -Further Advanced Topics

·         Binding Activities to services

·         Prioritizing Background services

·         Binding data with service

·         30.Web Services with Architecture

·         What are webservices

·         Web service Architecture

·         Asyn Task

·         REST & SOAP

·         Parsing Techniques JSON, XML Consuming WebServices CRUD Operations over Server


·         Introduction to JSON

·         Advantages of JSON over XML

·         Syntax & Structure of JSON

·         Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications Different types JSON Parsers ,simple json ,

·         Jackson , GSON to parse the JSON

CH 31 -Volley Library

·         Introduction Volley Library

·         Volley Library Advantages

·         Volley Library Components

·         How to setup the Environment Creating Volley singleton class Different Types of Requests Adding

·         request headers Handling Volley Cache


·         Realtime Database

·         Cloud Storage

·         Authentication

·         Cloud Messaging

·         AdMob

·         Crash Reporting

CH 33 -Google Cloud Messaging

·         What is GCM ?

·         GCM Architecture

·         GCM Services

·         Instant Messaging

·         TTL (Time to Live)

·         Group Messaging

·         Server Communication

CH 34 -Integration

·         Facebook Integration

·         Twitter Integration

·         Google/Gmail Integration

·         Payment Gateway Integration

CH 35 -Material Design

·         List and Card

·         View Shadows/ Custom Shadows

·         App Bar /Action Bar

·         Matterial Theme

·         Adapter view and Recycler View

CH 36 -Animation

·         Clockwise

·         Zoom

·         Fade

·         Blink

·         Move

·         Slide

CH 37 -Debugging and testing Android Apps

·         20g Cat

·         Debugger

·         Trace View

·         Monkey Runner

·         UI Automator

CH 38 -Project

·         overing all the concepts


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