JAVA Programming

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JAVA training course is meant for all the ages and all the domains. It’s the course everyone who wants to enter the coding development industry. This course will help you to build the fundamentals of coding. It will create your base in the coding domain.


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Course Curriculum


Any BCA, B.Tech, MCA student or any professional who wants to change domain from any language to JAVA language can go for this course.

There are no prerequisites for this course. Any person can join this course.

CH-01 Introduction to JAVA EE

·         Introduction and Basics of JAVA

CH-02 Java Servlet

·         Servlets API, Interfaces, and Methods

·         Servlet Lifecycle

·         Configure and Deploy Servlet

·         ServletRequest, ServletResponse

·         ServletConfig, ServletContext

·         Servlet Scopes, Attributes, and Collaboration

·         Session Management

·         Listeners in Java EE

·         Filters in Java EE

CH-03 JAVA Server Pages(JSP)

·         JSP Lifecycle

·         Creating and Working with JSP Elements

·         Working with JSP Standard Action

·         JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries


CH-04 Hibernation

·         Introduction to Hibernate

·         Hibernate CRUD Operation

·         Hibernate Queries and Relationship

·         Mapping Relationship with Hibernate

CH-05 Springs

·         Introduction to Spring

·         Dependency Injection, SpringBean Lifecycle, Wiring, and Scope

·         Introduction to Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming)

·         Configuring AOP in Java Application using AspectJ Approach

·         Spring JDBC Implementation in an Application

·         Spring Hibernate Template

·         Spring JDBC Transaction Management

·         Spring MVC Architecture, Components, and Framework

·         Spring MVC Program

CH-06 SOA and Web Services

·         Basics of SOA Architecture and Web Services

·         Creating SOAP-based and RESTful Web Services


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